Day 482 - Kettle Sings - Malvern
28 05 2020
With an Easterly forecast it had to be the Malvern Hills.  The wind was supposed to be  - ESE all day so we arrived on take off at 11:00 after dropping a car at the bottom landing field.

A few launched, but struggled to stay up, the wind was light, so we waited, until approx 2:30 when we launched, it was not so easy to stay flying, taking every tiny thermal was required just to stay up but when you got high, it  became very easy to stay high, in quite rough air requiring hand son flying for nearly all of the flight.

Well, what a flight it was, not able to go XC due to Covid-19 BS we had to stay local, so it was out in the valley, along the Malvern's, getting high, getting low, I have to say this flight was one - if not 'the' best flight I have had in the UK for ages, probably  the best ever flight at the Malvern Hills.

Just over 6 hours airtime, towards the end it went restitutional meaning easy flying time for the whole length of the Malvern's and out over the town and Three Counties Showground.

I took one large collapse throughout the 6 hour flight, but the glider sorted itself out nicely.

Landed with a big grin happy to be flying again - A few stats from my flying software below:-

Flight Duration: 6hrs 12mins
Max Altitude: 1279 M ASL
Max Height above Take Off: 934 M
Max ground speed: 37.3 MPH
Total distance covered: 154 KM
Max Lift: 3.8 M/s
Max Sink: -4.3 M/s
Total Height Gain: 9534 M

Had some issue with the Insta 360 only creating single file for the video so a rough video below.

Below is a short video of the flying

There is a Google Earth Tracklog of the flight available here


