Day 481 - Long Mynd - Shropshire
21 05 2020
Well, after Saturday (bit strong), and Tuesday (bit light) here we are on Thursday (perfect).  I had three great flights totalling two hours in a good breeze with great thermals allowing for flying from 10:00 until 2:00 when the wind died off and changed direction, all as forecast.

Lovely flying, climbed almost to base, pushed out front, nearly didnt get back, three top landings, all good, buoyant air with no collapses but still strong enough to be generally 'hands on' not much time for photo's I'm afraid, not video, I'm still conscious that I haven't had many hours this year due to Covid-19 and weather etc. so taking it very easy as I regain my 'currency'..

Today was just like the good old days, warm weather, friends, great sky, clouds coming and going, relaxed easy flying followe dup with a chilled out drive home, then a lovely evening walk across the Malvern hills.

I love this sport we do, there really is nothing like it.

There is a Google Earth Tracklog of the flight available here


