Day 477 - Lijar - Spain
25 09 2019
The last day of our holiday for September, we had the plan as outlined by Carlos – Take off, onto Twin Peaks, then to the Monte Corto ridge, then in the direction of Olvera, then onto the ridge that runs to Teba. We had to fly to Malaga this evening so had to be landing, picked up and back into Algodonales by 7:00PM in order to make out flight on time.
After we all took off we ended up in trouble getting glow on the ridge, I actually thought was had blown the day and would bomb out as we struggled to stay up in very light conditions when I spotted two Vultures in front of the ridge circling, I radioed the guys to let them know and we all flew out to them, and it worked, it was one of the better thermals of the day for smoothness and we all climbed out with the vultures, it was a good one.
After this we headed off on glide to the Twin Peaks but instead of a sinking glide we found some nice strong thermals allowing us to get high and track onto the Twin Peaks where we found more strong climbs, then onto Monte Corto for more climbing, then tried to head towards Olvera, this wasn’t so nice as we ran into headwind (as planned) but struggled to penetrate, and if we got drilled, we should have had big retrieve problems, it was not wise to go for it so we headed to Ronda La Vieja where Eddie was on the ground to make for an easy retrieve, landing was difficult due to the heat and thermic activity but we all managed to get down fine before the retrieve van arrived to take us back into town – great flying but we needed more time.

Below is a short video of the flying

There is a Google Earth Tracklog of the flight available here


