Day 272 - Long Mynd - Shropshire
06 08 2012
With a reasonable forecast I set off for Long Mynd expecting any chances of showers to stop at around 7:00pm. I arrived at 6:30 to a blown out hill, and it remained strong until 7:30ish when I set up to Launch.

It was a bit strong but I launched Ok and went up - but not forwards, I sat for a while going up to 400ft ATO but only making 0.5mph forwards speed so applied speed bar to get in front of the hill.

The first 15 minutes or so was spend gale hanging, into wind, not moving much - and a long way in front of the hill, but it was a decreasing forecast so I waited it out. Sure enough, it suddenly became fine allowing for some 360's and soaring up and down the ridge.

I flew to Black Knoll and off the end making slow progress into the wind that had quite a bit our South in it, but I made it there, then flew back. The North end was next in my sights. The wind was more turbulent at the North end of Long Mynd but I managed to fly over the cottage and back to Take Off where I landed vertically so the wind was still quite strong.

Not the best flying I've had, but absolutely fine, and nice to get 1.25 hours airtime amidst such rubbish UK weather. I packed up at 9:00 leaving the site at 9:20 with gliders still flying, almost in the dark.

There is a Google Earth Tracklog of the flight available here


