Day 342 - Lijar - Spain
31 05 2014
Flight 1

Here we are, another weekend in Algodonales and I am on Lijar West Take Off. With the wind direction a trip in the direction of Olvera was on the cards, the thermals were strong and buoyant with good climbs and active flying being the order of the day.

I got high, to a high cloud base in fact and set off towards Olvera, a gaggle to my left were sinking so I maintained direction getting the odd bit of lift as the others got low, then they all climbed out, almost like they knew where the house thermal was... I headed over and caught the tail end of it and set off following the locals.

We went through a sink pit maintaining 5M/S down until we got close to a small castle thing just before Pruna but two of us were too low and landed to see two others get a low save and climb back to cloud base - dammit.

I walked to a garage with a Spanish guy where we had a cold drink whilst waiting for the retrieve.

Still, not a bad XC for approx 20km for the first flight.

Flight 2

Again, Lijar West and a lovely evening flight with nice thermals in the warm Andalusian sun, this is what I went for...

Had a lovely hour and a half soaring and thermalling before landing at the proper landing field for a cold beer at the now famous Pepe's landing bar before heading off to retrieve Nick who had gone XC.

Below is a short video montage of both flights.

There is a Google Earth Tracklog of the flight available here


